
Confused About Website Videos? Answer “Why”

Unlock the power of 'They Ask, You Answer' with targeted video content that addresses your audience's burning questions and drives conversions.

Have you ever found yourself staring at your website, feeling a bit lost on how to elevate it from good to absolutely captivating? You’re not alone. The idea of adding video is thrilling but can also feel a bit overwhelming. There are countless paths you could take, and finding the right approach to make your site shine might seem like wandering through a labyrinth without any guidance. But here’s the good news: you’ve just stumbled upon your very own guide to navigating this maze. Together, we’ll dive into the They Ask You Answer philosophy, a method that’s not just theoretical but has been practically effective for creating content that connects with people.

0.5 increased the time visitors spend on their site

Let’s consider an interesting statistic to set the stage: 82% of video marketers report that video has increased the time visitors spend on their site. This isn’t about just randomly adding videos to your site. We’re on a mission to figure out how to use the “Why” factor, making videos that do more than just get watched—they make an impact on your audience.

Table of Contents

1 Why Should You Include Videos on Your Website

Why should you include videos on your website?

Imagine this: you land on a website filled with text and images, informative but somehow lacking that spark. You scan quickly, maybe click a link or two, and then… move on. Now imagine another website. This one welcomes you with a video, a story unfolding that explains the brand, its values, and what it offers. You’re hooked. You listen, you learn, you connect. That’s the power of video, and it can transform your website from good to captivating.


But why are videos so impactful? It’s not just about the moving pictures. It’s about capturing attention in a way text and images simply can’t. In our information-overloaded world, videos stand out, grabbing eyeballs and ears instantly. They explain complex concepts in a digestible format, breaking down barriers and making your message clear. But videos go beyond information; they spark emotions. They can make us laugh, cry, or feel inspired, forging a deeper connection with your audience that text and images can struggle to achieve.

"People Remember Stories,
Not Statistics"

This connection is powerful. People remember stories, not statistics, and videos are exceptional storytellers. They let you showcase your brand’s unique personality, values, and expertise in a way that resonates. This builds trust, making viewers more likely to remember you and, ultimately, take action.


And the statistics back it up:

1.1 User Understanding
1.2 Increased Web Traffic
1.3 process optimization
2 Defining Your Website Video Strategy

Defining your website video strategy

Before diving headfirst into the world of video production, let’s take a strategic step back. Remember, it’s not just about creating videos, it’s about creating videos that resonate with your target audience and achieve your specific goals. To do that, we need to define your video strategy, a roadmap that ensures your videos are powerful tools, not just decorative elements on your website.

Step 1: Know Your Audience, Know Their “Why”

Knowing who you’re talking to is the first step in crafting videos that engage and convert. Who are your ideal customers? Are you targeting busy professionals, tech-savvy millennials, or perhaps DIY enthusiasts? What are their needs, challenges, and desires? What are they searching for online? By creating detailed buyer personas, you gain invaluable insights into your audience’s “why” – the motivations and questions driving their online journey. It’s about making your viewers feel seen and understood, which starts with knowing exactly who they are.

Step 2: SMART Goals: Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound

What’s your endgame with video content? Is it to educate your audience, increase brand awareness, or drive sales? Setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals gives your video strategy direction and purpose. For instance, aiming to increase website traffic by 20% through video content within six months is a SMART goal—it’s clear, quantifiable, and time-bound. Remember, success isn’t just about creating amazing videos; it’s about creating videos that deliver on your specific objectives.

Step 3: The Buyer’s Journey, Where Do Your Videos Fit In?

Your audience’s path from discovery to purchase isn’t linear—it’s a journey with multiple touchpoints. Videos can be powerful tools at different stages of this journey, from sparking initial interest with engaging explainer videos to nurturing leads with detailed product demos. By understanding where your audience is in their journey, you can create videos that provide the right information and encouragement at the right time.

Step 4: Align with ‘They Ask You Answer,’ Answer Their Burning Questions

Remember the “why” factor? People have questions, concerns, and anxieties throughout their buying journey. By embracing the They Ask You Answer philosophy, you can use video to address these directly. Identify the common questions your target audience asks about your brand, product, or service. Then, create videos that provide clear, concise, and valuable answers. This builds trust, positions you as an expert, and demonstrates your commitment to helping your audience succeed.


Crafting a video strategy isn’t just about deciding to use video; it’s about integrating video content thoughtfully and strategically into your overall marketing plan.

3 What website videos should you consider

What website videos should you consider?

Now that you’ve defined your video strategy and tapped into the “why” factor, it’s time to identify the different types of website videos. Enter Marcus Sheridan’s Selling 7, from They Ask You Answer. These seven types of videos aren’t just about filling space on your website: they’re about creating moments of connection, understanding, and trust with your audience. Each one is crafted to meet your viewers right where they are, answering their deepest questions and guiding them closer to you with every frame.

3.1 They Ask You Answer

1. 80% Video

Ever feel like you’re answering the same questions over and over? The 80% Video tackles the most common questions and concerns your customers have. Marcus Sheridan emphasizes that most customer queries fall into a predictable set of questions. Think of it as a preemptive FAQ, building trust and establishing your expertise.

Play Video about 10 Things to Know BEFORE YOU BUY an Engagement Ring 0-45 screenshot

Example: Burrells Jewellery & Watches understands that buying an engagement ring can be daunting. Their “10 Things to Know BEFORE YOU BUY an Engagement Ring” video tackles crucial questions with clear, concise answers.

2. Bio Video

This isn’t just a headshot and your resume. A Bio Video introduces your team and their personality while simultaneously you can even share your company’s story, values, and mission. It’s a way to humanize your brand by putting a face behind the service/product and building a personal connection with your audience.

Play Video about AM Visuals Bio Video _ Get to Know Phuong Tran! _ Australia Video Production 0-1 screenshot

Example: The bio video for AM Visuals’ very own Phuong is a charming glimpse into his life and creative process, showcasing his passion and expertise.

3. Product & Service Fit Video

Explainer videos are powerful tools, with 91% of people using them to learn about products or services (Wyzowl). This video focuses on demonstrating how your offering solves specific problems and fits seamlessly into your customers’ lives. It’s about showcasing the benefits and features in a relatable way.

Play Video about Should You Buy Moveable Walls_ Everything You Should Know 2-8 screenshot

Example: The bio video for AM Visuals’ very own Phuong is a charming glimpse into his life and creative process, showcasing his passion and expertise.

4. Landing Page Video

Don’t let visitors bounce off your landing page! This concise and compelling video should grab their attention instantly, clearly explaining your value proposition and motivating them to take action. Think of it as your digital elevator pitch that converts.

Play Video about AM Visuals Client Video _ Eden Brae Interior Design _ Brand Awareness Video _ Video Production 0-15 screenshot

Example: Eden Brae’s “Studio Eden” landing page video beautifully showcases the details that go into the project and the team that guides their clients through the process.

5. Cost & Pricing Video

Transparency about cost and pricing can significantly impact the buying decision. This video tackles the often-dreaded topic of cost and pricing, explaining the value behind your structure and addressing potential concerns. It’s about building trust and making informed decisions easier for your audience.

Play Video about How Much Does Filter Cloth Cost_ [Micron Rating, Pricing, How to Buy] 0-35 screenshot

Example: W.S. Tyler’s “How Much Does Filter Cloth Cost?” video uses clear explanations to demystify their pricing and highlight the value they offer

6. Customer Journey Video

People trust other people’s experiences. This video features real customers who have benefited from your product or service. Showcasing their challenges, solutions, and successes creates a compelling narrative that resonates deeply with viewers and builds trust in your brand.

Remember, 9 out of 10 people trust what a customer says about a business more than what the business says about itself.

Play Video about AM Visuals Testimonial Video _ DeLonghi Australia _ Australia Video Production 0-3 screenshot

Example: We at AM Visuals leveraged the power of social proof in the testimonial video of one of our dear clients DeLonghi Australia.

7. Claims We Make Video

Don’t just say it, prove it! This video uses evidence, data, and expert testimonials to support your claims about your product or service. It demonstrates your credibility and reinforces the reliability of your offerings.

Play Video about What Sets Dexmet Apart_ About Us 0-20 screenshot

Example: Dexmet’s “What Sets Us Apart” video showcases their unique selling points and competitive advantages with data and customer testimonials.

4 What website videos should you consider

From Script to Screen, Planning & Production Essentials for Website Video Success

Creating compelling video content for your website goes beyond just hitting the record button on your camera. It involves meticulous planning, creativity, and a clear understanding of your goals and audience. Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or just starting out, these essentials will guide you through scripting, storyboarding, and the production process to ensure your videos not only capture attention but also drive engagement and conversions.

4.1 Scripting and Storyboarding

Scripting and Storyboarding


Crafting Engaging Narratives

Every video starts with a powerful story. Think of your script as the roadmap guiding viewers on a journey to understanding your message. Here’s how to craft a script that hooks them in and leaves them wanting more:

    • Grab their attention within seconds.
      Start with a compelling question, a surprising statistic, or a relatable anecdote. Think “Aha!” moment, not snooze fest.
    • Paint a picture of their problem.
      Clearly articulate the challenge your audience faces in a way that resonates with their pain points. Make them feel seen!
    • Become their hero
      Introduce your product or service as the solution they’ve been searching for. Highlight its benefits and features, but remember, keep it relatable – speak their language.
    • Call to Action
      Tell viewers what you want them to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, subscribing for more, or contacting you directly. Make it clear and enticing.


Once your script is ready, visualize it. A storyboard is your chance to map out the flow of your video, scene by scene. Don’t worry about artistic perfection – stick figures are welcome. This simple visual representation helps you plan your shots, angles, and transitions, ensuring a smoother filming process and a more polished final product.

4.2 Budget-Friendly Production Tips_ DIY or Pro

Budget-Friendly Production Tips: DIY or Pro?

Creating high-quality videos doesn’t have to break the bank! Here’s how to maximize your video ROI even with a limited budget:


  • Know your budget
    Before diving in, determine how much you’re comfortable spending. Prioritize expenses for elements that have the biggest impact, like good lighting and audio.
  • Equipment essentials
    You don’t need Hollywood gear. Start with a camera (your smartphone can do wonders), a tripod for stability, a microphone for clear audio, and some basic lighting to avoid grainy footage. As you progress, consider investing in additional tools to elevate your production value.
  • DIY vs. Pro
    This decision depends on your skills, budget, and desired level of polish. DIY is a rewarding and cost-effective option for beginners, especially for simpler projects. There are tons of online resources to help you learn the ropes! But if you’re aiming for a polished, cinematic feel, or simply prefer someone else to handle the technical aspects, hiring a video production team might be the way to go.

4.3 Post-Production_ Where the Magic Happens

Post-Production: Where the Magic Happens

This is where your video truly comes to life. Editing software allows you to weave your footage together, add music and graphics, and incorporate effects that enhance your narrative. For beginners, user-friendly tools like iMovie or Adobe Premiere Rush can be great starting points. Remember, you can always learn the ropes yourself, or outsource to a professional editor for a polished finish.

4.4 Pro-Tips for Video Newbies

Pro-Tips for Video Newbies

  • Keep it concise
    Aim for videos under 2 minutes to hold viewers’ attention. They’re not settling in for a movie marathon!
  • Be yourself
    Let your personality shine through. Authenticity builds trust and connects with your audience on a deeper level.
  • SEO matters
    Use relevant keywords in your title, description, and tags to help people discover your video in the vast online sea.
  • Spread the word
    Don’t just post and pray! Share your video across your social media platforms, website, and email marketing campaigns.

5 Measuring and Refining Your Video Strategy

Measuring and Refining Your Video Strategy

Once your videos are live and captivating audiences, the journey doesn’t end there. To truly unlock the power of video marketing, you need to measure, analyze, and refine your strategy. Here’s how to ensure your video content remains effective and continues to meet your marketing objectives.

5.1 Track Key Metrics

Track Key Metrics

Understanding the impact of your videos starts with tracking the right metrics. Here are some critical metrics to monitor:


  • Views and completion rate
    This tells you how many people are watching your videos and how engaged they are. Aim for high view counts, but remember, a high completion rate (think 70% or above) indicates deeper engagement. Wyzowl found that 96% of marketers agree that videos have helped increase user understanding of their product or service. A high watch time is often a good indicator of content quality. Videos that grab attention but fail to hold it won’t deliver the full impact.
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
    Are viewers clicking on your call to action after watching? This shows whether your video is effectively converting interest into action.
  • Engagement metrics
    Look at likes, shares, comments, and social media engagement to gauge how much buzz your videos are generating. This qualitative data, alongside quantitative metrics, paints a richer picture of your video’s impact.
  • Lead generation and conversions
    If your videos are designed to capture leads or drive sales, track how many leads and conversions they generate directly. This is the holy grail of video marketing, and seeing a direct correlation between your videos and improved sales figures is incredibly rewarding.

5.2 A_B Testing

A/B Testing

Don’t settle for “good enough”; strive for “best possible”! A/B testing, or split testing, involves comparing two versions of a video to see which one performs better.

This can include variations in the video title, thumbnail, the video content itself (such as different intros), or the CTA placement. By systematically testing these elements, you can identify what resonates best with your audience and optimize future videos accordingly. Experiment with:

  • Video length and format
    Are people more engaged with bite-sized videos under 2 minutes, or do they prefer in-depth explanations exceeding 5 minutes? Research suggests shorter videos might be more effective, but ultimately, your audience holds the answer.
  • Headlines and thumbnails
    Do eye-catching visuals and clear, concise headlines attract more clicks? Consider incorporating your brand personality and a clear value proposition into your thumbnails and headlines.
  • Calls to action
    What kind of call to action drives the most action (e.g., “Visit our website” vs. “Learn more now”)? Test different CTAs to see what resonates best with your audience.

5.3 Continuously Refine Based on Data and Feedback

Continuously Refine Based on Data and Feedback

Data is your friend, but don’t forget the power of audience feedback. This qualitative data can provide valuable insights into what resonates with your viewers and where your videos fall short.

  • Adapt Based on Feedback
    Direct feedback from your audience, whether through comments, social media interactions, or customer surveys, is invaluable. It provides a direct line to your viewers’ preferences and perceptions. Actively encourage feedback and use it to inform future content creation.
  • Stay Informed on Trends
    Keeping an eye on industry trends and emerging video technologies can also inform your strategy. For example, the increasing popularity of live streaming and interactive videos offers new ways to engage audiences. Consider incorporating these trends as they align with your goals and brand identity.

In the end, the success of your video content strategy is not just measured by views or engagement metrics but by the stories you tell, the connections you forge, and the impact you make on your audience’s journey.

Here’s to creating videos that do more than captivate—they inspire, educate, and convert.

Ready to stop telling and start showing?

Contact us today and let’s bring your vision to the screen!

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Website Video FAQs

Not necessarily. While having a budget can help, many effective videos are created using smartphones and basic editing software. Focus on clear audio, good lighting, and a compelling message.

Video length can vary depending on the content type, but generally, keeping videos under 2 minutes can help maintain viewer engagement. However, detailed explainer or how-to videos can be longer if they provide value.

Regular updates can keep your content fresh and relevant. Consider revising or adding new videos every few months, especially if there are significant changes in your offerings or industry trends. But ultimately it will depend on your capacity and capabilities.

Videos should be integrated in a way that enhances the user experience. This could be through background videos on the homepage, product videos on landing pages, or educational videos in blog posts.

Absolutely. Clips from longer videos can be used for social media posts, while full videos can be included in email campaigns or presentations. Repurposing content maximizes your investment and reinforces your message across channels.

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