
Location Scouting vs. Studio Setup: Choosing the Best Environment for Your Video Shoot

A lot goes into planning a video shoot, but how do you decide whether to shoot on location or in a studio? We discuss both options and factor in the benefit of a hybrid approach.

If you’re planning your next video production, how much time have you spent thinking about whether you’re going to shoot on location or use a studio? Whatever your decision, there are a lot of factors to consider about which environment is right for your video shoot.

Table of Contents

Understanding Location Scouting

Understanding Location Scouting


The purpose of location scouting is to find a suitable setting in the real world to shoot your video. This can be a gruelling process that requires heavy research before carefully planning the on-site evaluations. Many people choose to travel far and wide to find the perfect location, but is it worth it?


Advantages of Location Scouting



When you choose a real location for your shoot, you’re injecting a sense of authenticity and realism into your content. Authenticity might be a buzzword, but the feelings it evokes are a big part of connecting with your audience.



There isn’t a limit on how many locations you scout – you can explore until you find the perfect fit for the project you’re planning. There are a wide variety of options available at your disposal if you’re willing to hunt high and low.



Shooting on location can be a more affordable option when compared to building a set in a studio. It’s something to consider as you look at all your options.


Challenges of Location Scouting


Weather and Light

The weather is a massive risk of shooting on location because you have to battle against the unpredictability of nature and how that changes the lighting. It’s a much more difficult element to control in terms of video production.


Noise Pollution

Unless you’re working on a sound stage, you can’t control the sounds around you. There will be noise pollution to address in post-production.


Permissions and Permits

When shooting on location, there are permits to obtain and you will also need to seek permission from the owner. That can be both costly and time-consuming, not necessarily the best outcome if you regularly produce videos.


Access and Logistics

With any location, there are logistics to work out, but more so if you’re dealing with a remote area. It isn’t just hauling the equipment and cast and crew, it’s also accessing the location itself with all the safety precautions necessary.

The Allure of Studio Production

The Allure of Studio Production

As wonderful as shooting on location is, it’s hard to get away from the predictability of stupid production. Setting up in a studio gives you a controlled environment where you have the freedom to operate when you need to because the situation is consistent. Still, we’ll look at the advantages and the challenges.


Advantages of Studio Setup


Control Over Lighting and Sound

A studio environment gives you total control over the lighting and sound, you can create the right atmosphere for your video, avoiding external noise and distractions.


Consistent Conditions

It’s much easier to create consistent conditions across multiple shoots when you’re in a controlled environment.



As far as efficiency, working in a studio makes setup and breakdown much quicker and more efficient than location shoots.



If you’re dealing with different sets, it’s easier to build and modify these in a controlled environment for shooting different projects or scenes.


Challenges of Studio Setup



The drawback of a studio setup is the cost of building, maintaining, or even renting one. The first two provide you with much more control over the situation, but the latter still has the same drawbacks of setting up and breaking down on location.



Unfortunately, the reality of shooting videos is that not every project concept suits shooting in a studio environment.


Design and Construction

Creating sets is time-consuming, whether it’s the design or construction. It’s also resource-intensive, so that can add additional costs that you maybe wouldn’t need to worry about if you were shooting on location without a set.

Making the Right Choice Factors to Consider

Making the Right Choice: Factors to Consider

So, how do you choose between the studio or shooting on location?


Project Requirements

First things first, consider the story you’re trying to tell, what characters are involved, and the type of atmosphere you need to create to convey your message.



Look at the costs for all of your options, factoring in permits, studio rental, location fees, and equipment rental if necessary.



Every project has a timeline and you need to consider how much time you need to scout locations, secure permission, get permits, handle pre-production, and the timeline for the shoot as well. Your timeline might not be conducive to shooting on location.


Crew and Equipment

Consider what equipment is required for a location shoot versus working in a studio. You will also need to determine whether your crew is available and has the expertise to shoot in your preferred setup.



Finally, what type of post-production visual effects will be required? What type of editing is necessary? That can vary depending on the shooting environment.

Hybrid Approach Combing the Best of Both Worlds

Hybrid Approach: Combing the Best of Both Worlds


It’s possible to combine the best of both worlds. There will be projects that allow you to shoot certain scenes on location and utilise a studio for the rest. Sitting down with your script to determine what scenes need a controlled environment is the best place to start to determine your shooting spots.

How AM Visuals Can Help


If you’re looking for video production assistance in Sydney and the surrounding areas, AM Visuals can help. We offer a range of services, including social media videos, website videos, live streaming, product videos, training videos, event coverage, and corporate photography. We can work with you to create scripts, storyboards, and so much more.

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