
Corporate Video Production: Creating Effective Brand Stories

The success of a company could hinge on its story; there's a right way and a wrong way to craft a brand story.

There are many great reasons to embrace corporate video production; it’s an opportunity to craft the narrative around your brand and impress the story you want people to associate with your company. 

It isn’t enough to simply create a brand story, though; it has to be effective in conveying what you’re trying to achieve as a brand. Let’s take a look at how to get the most out of your corporate video production.

Table of Contents

Benefits of Corporate Videos

Benefits of Corporate Videos

Here are some of the ways corporate videos can really give your brand a boost and make a lasting impression!

Enhanced Brand Awareness

A solid corporate video can increase name recognition and expand brand visibility.
Improved Customer



If you want to nurture deeper connections with customers to establish brand loyalty, then a corporate video with engaging visuals and masterful storytelling is an effective way to do that.

Effective Communication

There is no better way to convey a complex message than through video storytelling. A videographer can help you put your story across in a clear and concise manner.

SEO Boost

You can improve your online visibility by optimising your corporate videos for search engines.

Employee Engagement

Creating internal corporate videos can be an effective method for establishing a positive company culture, leading to higher morale and high morale means increased productivity.

Key Elements of Successful Brand Storytelling

Key Elements of Successful Brand Storytelling

If you want to create the most compelling corporate video possible, there are key elements to focus on to nail the execution.

Clear Message

What is the core purpose of the video? You need to convey a purposeful message effectively – so, what is it you want your audience to take from your video and remember?

Target Audience

The better you understand your target audience, the more efficiently you can tailor your message to reach them. You can’t be everything to everyone, so don’t try. Focus on attracting your target audience.

Strong Narrative

A strong narrative is important. You want your video to showcase your values and highlight what your brand can do for clients or customers, and with that, you need to create a compelling storyline to resonate with your target audience.

Visual Appeal

Visuals matter, especially in videos, and yours need to be of high quality to ensure they’re consistent with your brand identity and values. The visuals aren’t something to ignore or scrimp on.

Professional Production

You should always enlist a professional to handle your video production. This ensures good audio, lighting, and editing, which are key to great corporate videos.

Call to Action

Every corporate video should end with a call to action, whether it’s an internal video or one meant for mass release. Once the video ends, what action do you want the viewer to take? Make sure it’s clear, whether it’s getting in touch with the brand for more details or visiting the website.

Creating Engaging Corporate Videos: Tips and Strategies

Creating Engaging Corporate Videos: Tips and Strategies

Follow these tips to create an engaging video that stands out.

Start with a Strong Script

Everything could hinge on the script because it’s where you expertly craft the narrative and tell the story. It’s the foundation of a successful corporate video.

Utilise Interviews and Testimonials

Clients and customers trust other clients and customers, so look at how you can use real-life stories to add weight to the video’s message and your credibility.

Show, Don’t Tell

Storytelling hinges on your ability to show rather than simply tell, this is where you can use visuals to your benefit to demonstrate a product or service. According to statistics, 95% of viewers will remember the message from a video versus 10% from reading text.

Keep it Concise

The length of your video will depend on its purpose. That being said, shorter videos typically garner more attention because people have short attention spans. This will also depend on the audience you’re targeting, the younger the audience, the shorter the video.

However long your video is, it has to be attention-grabbing and engaging enough to keep people hooked until the all-important call-to-action closing.

Optimise for SEO

If you want to ensure your video is visible on search engines, be sure to use relevant keywords in tags, the description, and the video title.

Leverage Social Video

Of course, you need to post it on all your social media platforms as well. All it takes is one big account to share it for it to spread to other accounts through sharing and word-of-mouth.

How AM Visuals Can Help

If you want to produce a polished, professional corporate video, AM Visuals offers the production services you need. Not only can we assist in mapping video flow, scriptwriting, and storyboarding, but we can handle the editing to ensure a high-quality production. In addition to corporate videos, we can assist with website and social media videos, live streaming, training and product videos, event coverage, podcasts, and even e-learning modules.

Get in touch with us for all your video production needs.

Ready to stop telling and start showing?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Corporate videos are great for getting people to notice and remember your brand. When used the right way, they can be much more efficient than written content in that they offer you the chance to create exciting visuals and tell stories. This makes it easier for people to recognise your brand. Having quality visuals can also enhance your customer engagement, building stronger emotional connections and, at the same time, fostering loyalty – particularly when you align your brand with your business’ values and mission.

Video content for your business is also a fantastic way to convey complex messages. They can break down complicated content so anyone can understand it – which is ideal for educating both your customers and your staff about the business’s products and services. Finally, corporate videos can help boost your SEO. By optimising your video content with relevant keywords, your online visibility can increase, driving more traffic to your website. Videos can enhance employee engagement as well, which promotes a positive company culture. If you want to know how AM Visuals can help get your brand noticed with great quality corporate videos, give us a call. Make an appointment to talk to one of our video production specialists, and we’ll discuss how we can help you become more memorable than your competitors!

When creating a corporate video, you want to make sure your message is clear, engaging, and impactful. You need to start with careful planning. Define the purpose of the video and what you want to achieve from it. Identify your target audience and tailor the content to suit them. Know the key messages you want to convey and keep that front and centre throughout the video.

Scripting is essential. You want a well-crafted script. It needs to outline the narrative, introduce the main points and include any dialogue or voice-over content. Start with a strong opening that grabs attention, followed by the body content, which is where you delve deeper into your key message. Finally, you want to end the video with a great call to action. This could be a prompt to visit your website, to contact the team members at your company, or to participate in a promotion. Make it clear what the viewer should do next and why they should do it.

The visual elements of your video are also important. Choose high-quality images and video content that align with your brand’s identity and support the message that you want to convey. You could include animations, graphics and captions. You also want to use good lighting, sound, and great editing.

There are many styles of corporate video, and each serves a different purpose and connects with different audiences. Promotional videos are designed to showcase a product, service or event, and they capture the audience’s interest with great visuals and persuasive content. Training videos focus on educating customers or employees about a specific product or process within your business. Testimonial videos build credibility and trust by using real experiences to tell a story. Explainer videos simplify ideas or products using animations or engaging visuals.

To choose the best type for your brand, start by identifying the primary goal of your video. Do you want to increase your brand awareness? Are you trying to educate or show that other customers are satisfied? Think about your target audience and what they need. For example, a younger audience is more drawn to vibrant, short videos, while older audiences might be more interested in the how-to videos. Finally, make sure you align your video style with your brand’s identity and values, as well as your other marketing material. If you need advice on this, contact our team and we’d be more than happy to discuss the types and what options are best for you.

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