
Curious About Podcast with Video?

Explore the Step-by-Step Planning and Production Process!

Podcasting, once a niche hobbyist’s domain, has exploded into a global phenomenon. Fueled by the pandemic-driven surge in screen time and the convenience of mobile consumption, it’s become a preferred medium with over 5 million podcasts globally, according to Spotify. But in a crowded audio space, can low-budget podcasts stand out? Enter video podcasts.

Table of Contents

Understanding Podcasting

01 Understanding Podcasting

Podcasting has come a long way since its inception in the early 2000s. Initially, it was a niche medium, but with the advent of smartphones and the ubiquity of high-speed internet, it has evolved into a mainstream form of entertainment and information consumption. The beauty of audio podcasts lies in their accessibility; listeners can engage with content while commuting, exercising, or even doing household chores.

The rise of platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts has significantly contributed to the podcasting boom. These platforms not only provide a streamlined listening experience but also offer creators the opportunity to monetise their content through advertising and listener support.

Listeners, on the other hand, can easily discover new podcasts through personalised recommendations, making it easier to explore different genres and voices. As a result, podcasting has become a dynamic landscape where both established media entities and independent creators can thrive.

If you aren’t quite sure if podcasting is for your business check out our article on the benefits of podcasting!

Why Combine Podcasts and Video?

02 Why Combine Podcasts and Video

While audio remains the core of podcasting, video is making a significant impact. Video podcasting, or vodcasting, combines the familiarity of traditional podcasts with the visual appeal of video content. A 2023 Riverside.fm report found that 64% of new podcast listeners prefer video podcasts first, and this number is expected to grow.

Platforms like YouTube and Twitch have become go-to spaces for video podcasters to showcase their content. In fact, 38% of consumers prefer YouTube as their go-to podcast player. The visual aspect not only caters to existing podcast fans but also attracts new audiences who prefer a more immersive experience.

consumer preference on podcast players

Diverse Audience Appeal

Podcasts and videos cater to different listening/viewing styles. An Entrepreneur article revealed that it is easier to multitask while listening to podcasts, with 52% of people listening in while driving, 46% while travelling, and 40% while walking, running or riding a bike.

By combining podcasts and video, creators can cater to a diverse audience with varying content consumption preferences. The synergy of both mediums ensures that your message reaches a broader spectrum of listeners and viewers, maximising your content’s overall impact.


Enhanced Storytelling

Video adds a visual dimension to storytelling, providing creators with a powerful tool to convey their messages. Incorporating visuals can enhance the storytelling experience, making it more engaging and memorable for the audience. Whether it’s showcasing behind-the-scenes footage, graphics, or interviews, video complements the narrative of a podcast, creating a more immersive and compelling content package.


Community Building

Both podcasts and videos foster community building. Podcasts create a sense of intimacy and connection through their conversational nature, while video allows creators to showcase their personalities and build trust visually. Combining these elements fosters a more engaged community that actively participates in discussions and shares content across platforms.

02.2 Better Audience Connection

Planning Your Podcast with Video

03 Planning Your Podcast with Video

Identify Your Goals and Target Audience

Are you aiming to inform, entertain, educate, or perhaps a combination of these? Defining your goals will guide the overall direction of your podcast. Additionally, identifying your target audience helps tailor your content to meet their preferences and needs. Whether you’re targeting professionals, hobbyists, or enthusiasts, understanding your audience is crucial for creating content that resonates.


Choose the Right Format

The next step is to explore different formats to find the one that aligns with your content goals and resonates with your audience. Consider whether a talk show, interview style, documentary, or hybrid format suits your content best. The format should complement your subject matter and enhance the overall viewing experience. Experimenting with different formats can help you discover the style that best captures your podcast’s essence.


PRO TIP: If you aren’t quite sure what format you want to anchor your podcast on you may want to look at other podcasts. Here are some to get you started:

Scripting and Storyboarding

Effective scripting and storyboarding are fundamental aspects of creating a cohesive and compelling narrative in your video podcast. Craft a compelling script that not only conveys information but also engages your audience. A well-thought-out storyboard ensures a visually appealing and organised presentation. This step is crucial for maintaining a coherent narrative throughout your podcast. Plan your visual elements, transitions, and any additional media elements to enhance the viewer’s experience.

Assembling Your Team

04 Assembling Your Team

Dedicated Audio Engineer

Your podcast’s foundation is undoubtedly its audio quality. A dedicated audio engineer ensures that your podcast not only sounds professional but maintains a consistent and polished sonic experience. From balancing levels to minimising background noise, an audio engineer is crucial for delivering a top-notch auditory experience.


The Role of a Videographer

A videographer isn’t just someone who hits record; they bring the visual dimension to the audio content. They add a layer of depth to your content, making it more engaging for your audience. A videographer enhances the narrative with their visual storytelling skills; adjusting the lighting, choosing camera angles, planning the shot composition, and setting up the proper framing. A highly skilled videographer may also be well-versed in editing ensuring a smooth flow for the video.
When selecting a videographer, consider their portfolio and experience in podcast-related projects. Look for someone who understands the unique dynamics of podcasting and can translate the essence of your content into captivating visuals.


Collaborate with Experts

Hiring an in-house videographer isn’t always the best option, and not all videographers are skilled in all video formats. To ensure quality of work for your podcast video you may want to consider collaborating with experts in podcasting and video production. Bringing in professionals who specialise in this area can infuse your project with a wealth of knowledge and insights. Their expertise not only ensures a smoother production process but also opens doors to innovative ideas that can set your content apart.
Whether it’s scriptwriting, post-production editing, or optimising content for different platforms, collaborating with industry experts can save you time and effort. It allows you to focus on what you do best – crafting the message of your content – while the experts handle the technical aspects of production.

Recording and Filming Tips

05 Recording and Filming Tips

Determine Recording Method

05.1 Remote Recording

Deciding how to record your podcast video hinges on the visual experience you want to create. For a dynamic, close-up vibe, in-person recording with multiple cameras capturing different angles is your best bet. This method works well for small teams or solo hosts but requires coordinating schedules and finding a well-equipped space.
If budget or distance is a concern, remote recording is the way to go. Using video conferencing software allows guests and hosts to record from anywhere, but sacrifices some visual control and might require post-production editing to stitch footage together.
Ultimately, the ideal recording method boils down to balancing your desired visual style with logistical realities. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach – choose the method that lets your podcast’s personality shine through the screen!

Selecting the Right Equipment

05.2 Right Equipment

A reliable camera, microphone, and proper lighting can significantly enhance the overall production value of your content, but with so many options on the market, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

So here are the must-haves for video podcasting equipment:


The camera is the most important piece of equipment for your video podcast. You don’t need to go out and buy the fanciest camera on the market, but you do want something that can shoot in at least 1080p resolution. A good option for beginners is a DSLR or mirrorless camera, like the Sony ZV-E10. If you’re on a tight budget, a webcam can also be a good option.



Audio quality is just as important as video quality, so you’ll want to invest in a good microphone. A USB microphone like the Blue Yeti Nano is a good option for beginners, as it’s easy to set up and use. While the Rode NT-USB Mini offers portability and pro-level performance. If you’re planning on doing interviews on the go, you’ll want to consider getting a wireless lapel mic like the Rode Wireless GO II to capture clear audio even when your guests aren’t glued to the desk.



Good lighting can make a big difference in the quality of your video. If you’re recording in a room with natural light, that’s great. But if not, you’ll need to invest in some artificial lighting. Softboxes are a good option, as they provide diffused light that won’t make you look washed out. Consider Nanlite Forza 300 for adjustable brightness and colour temperature.



A tripod is essential for keeping your camera stable. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a tripod, but make sure it’s sturdy enough to hold your camera without wobbling. The Manfrotto PIXI Mini Tripod is ultra-compact and perfect for desktop setups, while the Joby GorillaPod 3K PRO bends and grips for creative angles on the go.



Headphones are important for monitoring your audio while you’re recording. Sony MDR7506 provides excellent sound isolation and studio-quality monitoring.


Pop filter

A pop filter helps to reduce plosives, which are those pops you sometimes hear when someone says a word with a “p” or “b” sound. The Rode PSA1 is a simple and effective solution.

Some reminders before you start purchasing:

  • Start small. Don’t break the bank before you’ve even hit the record button. Invest in the essentials and upgrade as your podcast grows.
  • Consider your options. Committing to purchase pro equipment may not be the best option for all especially if you are just starting, so consider the available options to you. Whether it be equipment rental, or hiring a podcast video production agency that already has all the equipment you need to start your podcast.
  • Do your research. Read reviews, compare prices, and find gear that fits your budget and needs.
  • Think about your style. Are you going for a polished studio look or a more casual vibe? Choose equipment that matches your aesthetic.
  • Experiment and have fun! The best gear is the one you use to create content you love.

Setting up a Recording Space

05.3 Recording Space

Choose a quiet space with minimal background noise to ensure your audience stays focused on your content. Additionally, pay attention to acoustics—consider using acoustic panels or soundproofing materials to minimise echoes and enhance audio clarity. A well-prepared recording space sets the stage for a professional and polished video podcast.


Lighting and Camera Placement

05.4 Lighting and Camera Placement

Experiment with different lighting setups to find the one that suits your podcast’s tone and style. Natural light or soft, diffused artificial lighting can create a flattering and visually appealing atmosphere. Experiment with the placement of your camera to find the most flattering angles and perspectives. Ensure your background is tidy and complements the overall aesthetic of your podcast.


Conducting Engaging Interviews

05.5 Engaging Interview

Develop a rapport with your guests to create a comfortable and conversational atmosphere. Prepare thoughtful and relevant questions in advance but be flexible enough to go with the flow of the conversation. Encourage your guests to share personal anecdotes and insights, adding value to your video podcast and keeping viewers engaged.

Editing Your Podcast with Video

06 Editing Your Podcast with Video


Begin by mastering essential audio editing techniques to refine your podcast’s sound quality. Eliminate background noise, fine-tune levels, and ensure a seamless flow from one segment to another.
As for editing your video, consider incorporating relevant images, graphics, or even video clips that complement and amplify your message. You can even experiment with transitions, overlays, and effects to create a polished and professional look.
Strive for a balance between the visual and auditory aspects, ensuring that your video enhancements enhance rather than distract from your core message.


Collaborate with Experts

Collaborating with audio experts can help you refine your sound, providing valuable insights into techniques such as equalisation, compression, and mastering. On the visual front, partnering with skilled video editors opens up opportunities to experiment with advanced effects, animations, and visual storytelling.

Branding and Promotion

07 Branding and Promotion

Creating Eye-Catching Thumbnails

07.1 Eye-Catching Thumbnail

Source: Omar Eltakrori YouTube Channel


First impressions matter, especially with the myriad of content online fighting for attention. Design visually striking thumbnails that not only reflect the essence of your podcast but also entice potential listeners to click and explore further. A captivating thumbnail will have a few choice words, maybe a quote from within your podcast episode or the episode title, even adding who your guest is, aside from that you might also choose to either add a photo of the podcast host or animation related to the topic. But remember visual trends may change so you should follow top podcasts as well and see what best practices they implement in their podcast thumbnails.


Crafting Compelling Titles and Descriptions

07.2 Compelling Titles and Descriptions

Source: The Diary of a CEO Podcast YouTube Channel


A well-crafted title should spark curiosity and provide a glimpse into the content of your episode. Complement this with engaging descriptions that offer a brief yet enticing overview. Think of these elements as your podcast’s elevator pitch – concise, intriguing, and compelling enough to make users hit the play button.


Leveraging Social Media

07.3 Leveraging Social Media

Source: Moby Siddique of RedPandas Digital


Tailor your content for various platforms, utilising short video clips, teasers, and visually appealing snippets to capture the attention of your target audience. Create a content calendar to maintain a consistent presence and engage with your audience through comments, shares, and relevant hashtags. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok can be excellent channels for building a community around your video podcast.

If you want to find out more ways for you to maximise your business podcast’s impact check our article on the matter.


Create a Dedicated Landing Page

07.4 Dedicated Landing Page

Source: Marketing School with Neil Patel & Eric Siu


Although optional a dedicated landing page on your website can serve as the central hub for your video podcast. This not only provides a convenient and organised space for your audience to access all episodes but also contributes to your website’s SEO. Customise the landing page with engaging visuals, episode summaries, and links to relevant social media channels. This centralised location becomes a valuable resource for both existing fans and potential listeners, enhancing the overall visibility and professionalism of your podcast.

Publishing and Distribution

08 Publishing and Distribution

Choosing the Right Hosting Platform

Ensure the platform aligns with your goals and offers the necessary features for seamless distribution. Platforms like Libsyn, Podbean, and Spotify for Podcasters are popular choices, providing reliability, analytics, and easy integration with various directories.


Uploading to Video Platforms

Once you’ve created your video podcast, you can maximise visibility by uploading it to popular video platforms. YouTube, being the second-largest search engine globally, is an obvious choice. Create a dedicated channel for your podcast, optimise video titles and descriptions with relevant keywords, and engage with your audience through comments and shares. Additionally, consider platforms like Vimeo and Dailymotion to expand your reach.


Submitting to Podcast Directories

To ensure your podcast reaches a broader audience, submitting it to relevant podcast directories is essential. Platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher are widely used and can significantly increase your podcast’s discoverability. Each directory has its submission process, so make sure to follow their guidelines meticulously. The more directories you submit to, the greater the chances of attracting diverse listeners.


09 Conclusion

With industry giants like Spotify, TikTok, and YouTube increasingly investing in video podcasts, the message is clear: the future of podcasting is visual. Ryan Duffy, Head of Growth Marketing in Medium, encapsulates this shift by highlighting the current moment as an ideal time for creators to embrace video for audience expansion.

future of podcasting

Backing up this sentiment is research from Riverside.fm, revealing that a staggering 84% of companies already consider video an essential element of their future podcast strategy.

This shift is undeniable – video is inching closer to becoming the default way to record and publish podcasts.

Ready to stop telling and start showing?

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Podcast with Video FAQs

Yes, royalty-free music adds a polished touch to your podcast without risking copyright strikes. It enhances the atmosphere, sets the mood, and provides a professional element. Bonus tip: Choose music that complements your topic and brand message.

Video podcasting boosts engagement by allowing listeners to see your passion and personality. It builds visual branding through consistent visuals and design. Plus, you can repurpose snippets into social media clips, blog posts, and other content, maximising your reach and ROI.

Start with the basics – a good microphone for clear audio and a camera that captures decent visuals. Invest in decent lighting to prevent dark, grainy footage. As you progress, consider upgrading to equipment that enhances your production values further.

A skilled videographer elevates your production’s quality. They handle camera angles, lighting, and editing, freeing you to focus on delivering your message. Their expertise ensures a polished final product that stands out from the crowd.

Video podcasts offer a deeper connection with your audience. Visuals add another layer of storytelling, allowing you to express emotions, body language, and reactions. This creates a more personal and engaging experience for listeners. Ultimately, the choice depends on your goals, niche, and resources.

Quality equipment undeniably enhances your production, but don’t let it hinder your start! Begin with good entry-level gear and gradually upgrade as your audience and brand grow. Focus on delivering compelling content first and invest in technical quality as you build your success.

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